Decentralization Key in Preventing the Global Microsoft Failure

Decentralization Key in Preventing the Global Microsoft Failure

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Decentralization is the solution to Microsoft’s recent CrowdStrike-caused failure, says Web3 experts. 

The global collapse of Microsoft’s Windows system laid bare the vulnerability of relying on centralized systems. The failure during the failed software update at CrowdStrike disrupted services worldwide. The Web3 community touts the incident as a vindication of adopting blockchain and decentralized technology. 

Horizen Labs chief technology executive Zain Cheng considers the Microsoft outage spotlights the underlying vulnerabilities of centralized systems. The executive adds that a single point of failure translates to widespread disruption.

Cheng illustrates that the diverse operations of banks, airlines, retailers, and broadcasters suffered disruption during the July 18-19 outage. Services came to a halt as 8.5 million systems suffered the blue screen of death.

The aftermath of the outage attracted various explanations for the technical issues. Experts blamed CrowdStrike cybersecurity software, while others attributed the outage to the European Union (EU) regulatory deal. Nonetheless, cryptonians view the challenges as far more existential – centralization.  


Theta Labs strategy chief Wes Levitt considers the single points of failure dangerous to any system. The strategy head within the decentralized cloud network believes the previous week is a reminder of the severity as systems become increasingly complex.

Cheng adds that the Microsoft outage contrasts with the experience within the decentralized blockchain networks. In particular, Ethereum and Bitcoin retained full operations, highlighting their resilience.  

The incident presents grounds for decentralization since distributed trust and verifications lower the risk of widespread failures. Cheng considers decentralization to enhance the system’s stability. 

Outage Erodes Trust in Centralization

Microsoft and CrowdStrike appear to shift blame elsewhere, with narratives on system flaws missing admission that centralization is the cause. The two encounter difficulties convincing the public of their displeasure with the consequences of the failure.

Levitt considers the attempt by the public relations of the two companies to yield little conviction. The efforts are ultimately eroding trust in the legacy systems. Such leaves the average consumer with eroded trust as there is a lack of viable alternatives to the services.

Cheng again considers the CrowdStrike cash intensifies the frustrations amid declining public trust. The executive believes that while critical services that rely on legacy systems suffered incapacitation, the decentralized finance (DeFi) ran undisrupted. However, developers need considerable time and effort invested to deliver centralized alternatives to the present systems. 

Cheng considers the maturity of Web3 to deliver reliable and secure decentralized alternatives. The Web3 expert urges Individuals and businesses to increasingly embrace dependable and resilient solutions similar to blockchain networks to avert centralized system failures. 

Support for Bitcoin and Decentralization

The aftermath of the CrowdStrike crash has seen the decentralized advocates enjoy the ‘told you so’ moment. With the banking sector among the worst hit from the July 18-19 failures, it advances the argument that Bitcoin reliability triumphs over traditional finance (TradFi). 

Cheng considers Bitcoin the lead in the immutable blockchain platforms in a movement where other decentralized applications are replicating. The push for continuous globally accessible networks sets the stage for innovations to outshine TradFi.

Levitt considers single points of failure as candidates for catastrophic disruptions, vindicating the need to adopt decentralized technologies. The solid tech foundation and robust security measures make decentralized a natural choice for scalable and future-proof systems.

Levitt urged caution regarding the virtues of decentralization, indicating that blockchain network integration is observing a few caveats. He adds that Bitcoin is more reliable than TradFi, but it still battles network congestion issues.

Levitt notes that blockchain networks are either unequal or match the robustness level of Bitcoin. The executive warns against single points of failure within the blockchain networks. 

Meanwhile, centralized exchanges within crypto have also suffered vulnerability, leading to calls for the industry to consider shifting towards decentralized cloud-based architectures.  

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Christopher Craig
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Christopher Craig

Christopher Craig, a crypto literary savant, masterfully deciphers the intricate world of blockchain. Blending astute analysis with a clear narrative, Christopher's articles offer readers a lucid understanding of digital currencies. As the crypto sector expands, his erudite insights continue to guide both novices and seasoned enthusiasts

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